10 February 2021

Image of WLD Update for Parents & Carers - Friday 12th February 2021

Good afternoon,

Quite a number of notices at the end of this unusual half-term!  Firstly, though, can I thank you for your support over this time.  I fully recognise that remote learning is difficult for students, parents & carers and teachers and it is only by working together, communicating and listening to each other that we are getting through this challenging time.  The summary that I have used all the way through this is "Stay connected and be kind" and that continues to be very important as we face the challenges of the coming weeks.  I cannot wait to see the school full of young people again - that is how we are meant to be - but we await some more information about plans for return in the week after half-term.

Message from Mrs Long, Assistant Headteacher - 'Learning for Life'...starts with Reading: Research shows that 'pupils who read fiction almost every day scored ... more in their reading tests than those who never read such books – the equivalent of around 10 months’ additional schooling, according to the OECD.' (TES).  Please support your child by encouraging them to read plenty.  We now have a LoveReading4Schools webpage and have provided links to lots of interesting teen-friendly audio-books and interviews with authors - we will send out the login details separately.  Your child will be awarded Classcharts for Reading, if they let one of their teachers know that they are reading at home. For inspiration, please look at this section of the website: Walton Reads! 

Message for Year 7 parents: Year 7 Virtual Parents' Evening will take place on Wednesday, 3rd March from 4.30-7pm and a message will be sent out on Monday, 22nd February with instructions before bookings open at 9am.

** !! ** Parents' and Carers' Evenings - dates for your diary:  Following the Year 9 evening this week and the Year 7 evening scheduled for Wednesday 3rd March there will be evenings for Year 11 on Wed 17th March, Year 8 on Wed 14th April and Year 10 on Wed 5th May - all from 4.30 to 7pm.  Further details will follow.

Equality group: Reminder to email head@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk if you could help us by being involved in reviewing and enhancing equality across our school.  The time required will not be extensive, we promise!

Message from Miss Royal - Virtual Work Experience Opportunities For Year 10 and 11: Before we break up for half term, I wanted to give you the updated virtual work experience opportunities for your consideration. There are some great opportunities including experiences in engineering, architecture, creative, technology, environment, construction, STEM and finance.   

Year 9 Presentations:  Please see email from Miss Royal sent on Tuesday, 9th February regarding College Presentations.

Reminder for Year 9 Vaccinations: Thank you if you have already submitted your form, but if not please see below the link to register your child for the Meningitis ACWY & DTP vaccinations.  IntraHealth Nurses will be contacting you over the coming weeks to arrange appointments for your child’s vaccinations.  They would normally be coming into school, but due to the pandemic that cannot happen here in school. However, they have sourced some other venues so they will let you know when and where these will be.  Please note that the link will close on 14th February. https://www.nhsimms.uk/TDIPVACWY/information?Id=119743&Type=TDIPVACWY 

Reminder for Year 8 HPV vaccinations: Thank you if have already submitted your form, but if not please see information below regarding year 08 HPV vaccinations - any queries please call the number below:  If you would like your child to have the HPV vaccination in school please follow this link to complete the online consent form and access more information as to why the vaccine is administered. We have not yet agreed an exact date for the vaccination due to government restrictions but you will be notified in due course. The link will close on 22nd February 2021. Link: https://www.nhsimms.uk/HPV/information?Id=119743&Type=HPV. Any problems with any of these please ring the Vaccination Team - 0333 358 3397, option 6, option 2 

Year 11 Yearbook:  Following the notice about the yearbook on Tuesday's update payment for Yearbooks has now been opened up on Parentpay.

Some activities for half-term:  Mrs Long has identified a pack of activities that may be useful to some people over half-term - it is below.

Due to work taking place in school which requires the water to be turned off school is completely physically closed during the half-term break.  This means that the phone will not be checked for messages until 8am on Monday 22nd Feb.  Please use the head@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk email should you need to contact us urgently during next week.

Best wishes to you and all who you care for....

James Harris


Some activities for half-term week



Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates