9 February 2021
Good afternoon
Additional social and emotional wellbeing resources: Well worth a look at the additional "Support for young people's social and emotional wellbeing" item on our Mental Health and Wellbeing page.
Year 9 parents' and carers' evening tomorrow (Wed): We have had a couple of queries about accessing the video meetings tomorrow evening. All the guidance is on the website here and the direct link to the guidance from Schoolcloud is here.
Safer Internet Day: Today is Safer Internet Day - please have a look at the resources here and our weekly reflection on online safety here.
Year 11 Yearbook: The following notice is from Mr Moorcroft and Miss Richardson who are co-ordinating the yearbook this year:
The 2021 leavers’ yearbook is now available to pre-order. It is a Walton-le-Dale tradition to offer our leavers a yearbook to commemorate their time at school. The yearbook will be packed full of messages from their teachers and fellow pupils, plus a large selection of photographs from their time at Walton-le-Dale. Every pupil who purchases a yearbook will have their portrait photograph included and a personal message or quote.
If you or your child wish to pre-order a yearbook, it can be done via this form. This is a pre-order and not a commitment to purchase. Payment of £15.30 will need to be made to secure your order.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr Moorcroft by email.
** !! ** WLD Resource Bus: This is visiting Blackburn, Preston and Clayton Green on Thursday - details on the website here....
Best wishes
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates