29 October 2020
WoW – fundamental CPD Focus – Reading and Vocabulary
This Week:
Welcome back everyone!
- Trainees – in timetabled lessons within subject areas this week.
- New staff and trainee CPD – Wednesday after school – JWI – Assessment and Reporting. PPT shared. Follow-up Q&A, virtually, at 5pm.
- Reminders:
- Continue to add lesson resources into weekly folders for each class in Teams.
- Use Oak National Academy (or other online lesson bank) for cover lessons.
- Year 7 teachers – please use the ‘golden rules’ emailed out last Friday morning with ALL year 7 classes.
- Year 10 teachers – Core subjects used the attached ‘Golden Rules’ with 10D before the break. They worked. Please use across ALL subjects from now moving forward.
- T&L Update – see JHA’s bulletin for the link to RLO’s latest update (it has a voiceover for those who prefer to listen).
Link to this term’s CPD focus – Reading for Understanding
Before half-term, each of our students was invited to share their thoughts on their own learning in this first half-term of this very strange school year. The results of these surveys will be shared through the Teaching and Learning Update. However, students were asked to complete the sentence: ‘Lessons are best when…’ Here are some of our students’ responses:
Year 7
Lessons are best when...
The teachers care about everybody and check everybody's working well and doing the right thing
The teachers show or tell you some examples of what we are doing.
When everyone is getting involved.
When there is nobody chattering around me.
When you are having a good time at the same time as working hard.
Teachers explain clearly and I understand what I am doing.
When everybody is quiet.
When I sit with people that I am comfortable with.
When the work is a bit hard, and we get to discuss and tell each others and the teacher our opinions.
When the teacher says ‘well done everybody’ .
Year 8
Lessons are best when…
When my fellow students behave.
Most of the people listen and stop messing around.
When students are behaving well.
When it’s well explained.
When teachers aren't stressed and when it’s calm.
It is all quiet and you can concentrate.
The room has a nice tone of voices so there is no shouting.
Year 9
Lessons are best when...
I’m learning harder stuff.
People around me aren’t distracting me.
When the teacher doesn’t ask you to answer the question when your hand is down.
Everyone is behaving .
When you get on and do your work quietly and without fuss.
When everyone is quiet and no-one is distracting…
It is explained slowly and clearly.
When teachers show interest in what you have to say, work is challenging and enjoyable, you are given praise about your work, your teacher makes learning more fun.
Year 10
Lessons are best when...
I sit at the back of the classroom, as I don’t feel comfortable sitting at the front.
We learn.
Lessons are best when we haven't got too much to do in one lesson and aren't given too much to do so we're not rushed.
It's practical or there are videos to watch.
Lessons are best when everyone is quiet and not chatty so we can learn more and get higher grades as a class, and when teachers explain more it’s easier.
We are allowed to talk to other people about the work so you can get more ideas about the thing we are talking about
We have a good balance between independent and group work, and when the teachers make our lessons interactive.
I understand what we are doing.
When everyone is quiet.
Year 11
Lessons are best when...
Teachers set work that isn’t easy.
I understand what I have learned.
When in school and being taught face to face.
Everyone understands the information in the lesson and can apply it in exam situations.
Teachers explain things properly and give us a chance to actually work for ourselves.
When teachers care about my opinion.
Lessons are the best when there are no distractions and everyone is getting on with their work.
When we have teams open to discuss the work.
Teachers explain new content in small steps for the best understanding.
When it’s calm.
When the teacher doesn't rush and when the teacher doesn't try and make us remember too much.
The Remote Learning Policy remains unchanged from July. Please provide tweaks or amendments to RLO asap if needed.
The Teaching and Learning Policy has been updated and now contains a Section Two Pandemic section. Please read and use the one page summary to help you to refine your approach.
Many thanks to DSH for his time-lapse Top Tip.
The Top Tip later in the week will come from the Science Department.
Teaching and Learning – Test Yourself!
The new staff and trainee induction session last week was introducing them to our Teaching and Learning Policy. If you would like a revision session to see if you understand the different elements, test yourself using this questionnaire.
National College of Teaching and Leadership
Please take the time to look at an area in which you have an interest.
Useful CPD webinars (please email RLO if you need your password re-sending)
Webinar: Scaffolding Strategies
Webinar: High Quality Feedback
Microsoft Educator Community
Reading Strategies – Alex Quigley
Well worth a read!
Posted by Rachel Long
Category: Teaching and Learning Digests