2 October 2020
WoW – differentiation CPD Focus – Reading and Vocabulary
This Week:
Thank you for ensuring that BRILLIANT learning happens in your classrooms!
- Trainees – in timetabled lessons within subject areas this week.
- CPD – no CPD this week. It was scheduled to be PSHE. This is now postponed.
- Reminders:
- Continue to add lesson resources into weekly folders for each class in Teams. This is really working well for those in isolation.
- Use Oak National Academy (or other online lesson bank) for cover lessons.
- Reminder - Study Groups – information regarding the arrangements for Study Groups this year is saved in WLD Teachers here. HoDs will discuss with their teams before half-term. Middle leaders will be discussing this in their meetings this week.
RLO’s T&L update (circulated in JHA’s bulletin) here.
Link to this term’s CPD focus – Reading for Understanding
Reading reading reading…
As our students start to tackle challenging texts (by using the reciprocal reading strategy questions – see last week’s TLD), you may notice that they struggle to unlock certain key words.
No matter which subject you teach, making vocabulary stick is going to be crucial to enabling students to understand what they are learning (whether they are reading or listening). Make sure that you make the implicit, explicit by talking about the history of the words that you want them to remember. For example, in history, and in life, a key word to know and understand is ‘democracy’. We need to ensure it is understood and it sticks – our very way of life may rely on it.
Deriving from Greek, the root ‘demos’ means ‘common people’ (seen in related words such as demagogue, demotic etc.) and ‘cracy’ related to ‘kratia’ – meaning power and authority. Like many words in our language, a little digging into the mighty morphemes offers us mental hooks for understanding.
So what can we do?
Choose key tier 2 words (see teacher planner for a recap) relevant to your lessons. Break them down into morphemes. Use the following website to help you to reveal the origins of key words to your students.
Remember that our lesson planning template contains the Frayer Model slide (shared by ACH back in January) to aid planning.
Further reading here.
The Remote Learning Policy remains unchanged from July. Please provide tweaks or amendments to RLO asap if needed.
The Teaching and Learning Policy has been updated and now contains a Section Two Pandemic section. Please read and use the one page summary to help you to refine your approach.
Careers’ top tip this week will be from KRO.
Free ACEs CPD – Thanks to RSW
Reading Strategies – Alex Quigley
Well worth a read!
Oak National Academy – Thanks to RHO for this
How Oak can help support your department
Posted by Rachel Long
Category: Teaching and Learning Digests