25 September 2020
WoW – deviation CPD Focus – Reading and Vocabulary
This Week:
- Trainees – observing around school on Monday (teachers informed); in departments for the rest of the week.
- CPD – this Wednesday. CPD Leads will contact on Monday to inform of arrangements.
- Reminders:
- Engage with Year 11s during timetabled lessson and record who contacts you.
- Set weekly homework on Classcharts.
- Add lesson resources into weekly folders for each class in Teams.
- Use Oak National Academy (or other online lesson bank) for cover lessons.
- Study Groups – information regarding the arrangements for Study Groups this year is saved in WLD Teachers here. HoDs will discuss with their teams before half-term.
RLO’s T&L update (circulated in JHA’s bulletin) here.
Link to this term’s CPD focus – Reading for Understanding
As students ease back into reading habits, take time to re-programme how they tackle challenging texts. Encourage them to be independent and inquisitive readers.
Remember Reciprocal Reading (slide below)? JGA delivered a Top Tip back in January sharing how he had used this in his English lesson. This strategy is relevant to ALL subject areas, even if your subject only requires students to consider the ‘clarify’ quadrant.
This slide is saved in the WLD Planning Template saved in Teams and these questions provide a useful way in to a text.
The Remote Learning Policy remains unchanged from July. Please provide tweaks or amendments to RLO asap if needed.
The Teaching and Learning Policy has been updated and now contains a Section Two Pandemic section. Please read and use the one page summary to help you to refine your approach.
The English and Computing Departments will be sharing Top Tips this week. Many thanks.
JMJ has created this helpful guide to Live Teaching having worked out the process that works best. Guide attached. This is saved into Teams, here. A limited number will be printed and quarantined and stored in repro if you would like to collect later next week. I have had them laminated so that you can refer to them.
Free Dyslexia Webinars – Thanks to AHA
Link to OUP’s e-textbooks – Thanks to AHA
Rosenshine CPD – attended and shared by JMJ (thanks)
Saved in WLD Teachers Team here.
Adaptive and Responsive Teaching attended by JMI (thanks)
PPT resources saved in WLD Teachers here.
Lancashire CPD Sessions – Virtual
Please let RLO know if you wish to attend any of these sessions. Some staff already are.
NQT CPD and Top Tips
Posted by Rachel Long
Category: Teaching and Learning Digests