6 September 2020
Behaviour and ensuring a smooth return to school
It is great to see all the students back at school this week and we are all excited about a return to normal life and moving forward together. I know that the students will have missed their friends, their teachers and all those fabulous lessons.
We want the return to be a smooth one so I wanted to remind everyone about a few of our basics that haven't changed and a few things that have to change.
Phones are not to be seen or heard inside a school building - no change there and we never want this to be an issue so please make sure that is clear to all so there doesn't need to be any discussions about that.
Uniform - no changes to our rules and the information is unchanged on the website.
Shoes - no changes - students still need black leather shoes so no trainers.
Jewellery - no changes to what is on the website so all piercing to the nose and face need to be removed
Once again, none of these rules have changed and I really want to spend my time supporting students rather than having any discussions about these issues.
Remember that Classcharts is now live and accessible to parents and students who have the app and have logged in with a personal code. We are launching our new Rewards system to the students next week and Classcharts points mean rewards! You will be able to see every Achievement Point earned in school, who it is from and what for.
With the current situation and following government guidelines, we will not be able to do detentions at breaks and lunch times due to year group bubbles, movement times between lessons, split lunches. Therefore all detentions will be done in year group bubbles on Tuesday for Years 7&9, Wednesday for Years 8&10 and Thursday for Year 11. These will run from 3.05 until 4pm and the late buses will run on those nights. These will be as a sanction for any student who has accumulated a number of behaviour points in the previous week. These detentions will logged on Classcharts and therefore parents and students will be informed using classcharts. If you have not yet got the Classcharts app or code to login, then please do so. Year 7 families will receive their Classcharts details later this week. Any issues, please email classcharts@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk.
Best wishes,
Mr Howarth
Deputy Headteacher
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates