6 September 2020
Good afternoon,
As part of returning to normal, my updates to parents and carers will come out on a weekly rather than the daily basis that occurred during lockdown! The first few days have gone better than we could have possibly hoped - 97% student attendance is exceptional in the circumstances. I am aware that students and staff have sometimes felt a bit overwhelmed by the return to school, but it has been truly wonderful to see everyone back. My updates over the summer told you of the changes that we had made to ensure safety and I am very, very grateful to all our staff who have worked so hard to make the plans a reality. We now move forward, staying safe and ensuring that all our students are cared for and make the best possible academic progress.
Pandemic reminder: All students need a face mask for transport; we strongly advise that they are worn in corridors, and they are optional elsewhere (for example while moving around school outside). All students need their own stationery and a pack of wipes and we strongly recommend that they bring their own food and drink. They must not mix with students from other year groups when in school.
Coats: As you will be aware, we are using our outside space to enable students to move safely around school and this means that students are standing outside for longer than usual. This is Lancashire so the weather is not always warm and sunny (!) and therefore we strongly advise bringing a coat to protect against rain and cold while waiting for safe admission to the blocks. Looking at students this past few days please help us by reminding them that a coat is worn over a blazer as an additional item to keep the individual dry and warm, not underneath or as a replacement for a blazer.
Uniform: We will be checking and correcting uniform this week as we always would at this point in a term. As always the uniform is specified clearly on our website here.
Bikes: It has been great to see so many students riding bikes to school - more than at any point in the recent past. Please remind them that a helmet is needed and not to ride the bike on site, for the safety of others - just dismount at the gate and walk through to the bike racks.
Collection of work from lockdown: We know that several students worked on paper during lockdown for a variety of reasons. Due to all the rules about sharing resources we will collect all the work centrally next Monday (14th Sept) - please ask your son or daughter to label the work with their name and the subject - and we will then quarantine it for the required period before giving it to the relevant teachers.
Communications: Please read our overall approach to communication on the website here. There have been a lot of messages over the past few days - a list of them follows so that you can check that you haven't missed anything. Not all of them apply to everyone and I am sure that the flow of messages will reduce as time goes on....
- an update to parents for students 501-505 buses re seating arrangements.
- a reminder for students to wear their face mask whilst on public/school/Preston & Blackburn buses for the whole journey, or show the driver the exemption card.
- an email re Track and Trace for students travelling on public transport - ie 125 etc - please complete the form by 3pm Wednesday, 9th Sept.
- parentpay topup reminder (bring a packed lunch if possible), free school meals students will receive a meal but they will have to register their choices during lesson 1.
- a reminder for parents to access classcharts - if any problems email classcharts@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk. Please note Year 7 emails will be sent out later on this week to parents and students with classcharts information.
- a message to year 7 - no lockers being issued for the time being - please refer to email/text from Mrs Hodgson.
- an email from Miss Royal, Careers Co-ordinater - Opportunity - NHS Virtual Careers Event.
- an update on stationery packs - we are awaiting delivery of the compasses and coloured pencils and these will be distributed to those students who have ordered them.
- Homework club starting Monday, 7th Sept will be run on a rota basis - see email sent from Mrs Hodgson on Friday and please register your child before they can attend.
Best wishes to you and to your family and many thanks for your support at this time.
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates