22 June 2020
Good afternoon,
It is lovely to see some more of our students again - we have had almost all Red section Year 10s in today and we are looking forward to seeing Year 10s in Yellow section tomorrow. We will notify everyone of the arrangements for next week on Wednesday once we have looked at the pattern of learning needs arising from detailed discussions with the Year 10s. It is highly likely that we will be looking at English, Maths and Science next week.
I have had some interesting conversations with parents & carers by email explaining what we are doing and why so I thought that it would be good to make sure that everyone is able to understand our approach. I have therefore written a section on our Coronavirus page entitled "What are we doing and why?" which I will keep updated. Please contact me if you wish to discuss anything that we are doing. Open and transparent communication is essential during this crisis.
Our weekly reflection is "Physical Exercise and Mental Health" - please have a look at the resources on the website here. It is National Schools Sports Week next week so please have a look at the parents' resources here https://www.youthsporttrust.org/system/files/resources/documents/YST_NSSW_Parents.pdf
Best wishes
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates