10 June 2020

Image of WLD Update for Parents & Carers Wednesday 10th June 2020

Good afternoon,

I promise a shorter and less intense update this afternoon!

Weekly Reflection:  I normally promote this on a Monday, so a bit late this week...  Our weekly reflection is highly appropriate at this time - "Equality, Love not Hate" - you will find the resources here

Remote learning:  I wrote at length yesterday - if you skipped it I strongly encourage you to read it to get a sense of our priorities.  I just wanted you to be aware that this is very important issue for us and subject to lots of initiatives and discussions within the school community.  Year 10 are an obvious priority owing to the potential impact of the continued pandemic on their GCSEs next year, but the engagement of all students is a key priority.  We are particularly looking at ways of updating you on progress with work done at home. As I said yesterday...

"As this remote learning situation continues we are obviously concerned about gaps in learning developing.  The work that is being set is carefully planned and mapped - we know that if students complete it, seeking individual support as required, we will know where they are up to when we next see them and we can make progress from there.  That is why I have been stressing the importance of students contacting teachers over the last few weeks in these updates.  The key to this is contact between student and teacher."

Classcharts:  As your son or daughter can tell you we have been using Classcharts as a way to record positive and negative behaviours within school since last September.  Since lockdown we have been awarding lots of Classcharts points as rewards for work done at home.  We are planning to get the login details out to you and your son or daughter shortly so that you can see from home the positive awards that are being given by staff.  We are just finding a suitable way to get 750 or more passwords and logins out to you securely and efficiently!

Best wishes

James Harris



Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates