8 June 2020
Good afternoon,
We live in ever-changing times! Having issued guidance to parents & carers of Year 10 on Friday to comply with the national guidance of opening to more students from the 15th June I then see on national news on Saturday that Blackburn with Darwen are not opening schools until 22nd June at the earliest. Today I have received information from Edwina Grant, Director of Education and Children's Services, Lancashire County Council, which says
"I am writing to let you know that our Director of Public Health has reviewed his guidance that schools should not welcome more pupils and has determined that it should not change.
That means Dr Sakthi Karunanithi is advising that you should continue to delay reopening to, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 pupils, along with the scheduled plans for year 10 pupils in secondary schools. It is still the case that he believes two of the five government tests are not being met in the county."
She goes on to say
"This advice will be reviewed again next Monday, and if it changes, we will encourage you to take the decision to reopen to more pupils from 22 June if deemed safe to do so."
If you would like to read the full guidance you will find it on the LCC website at https://www.lancashire.gov.uk/coronavirus-updates/schools/
So this means that we are now not opening for more students from the 15th June. We will continue with our provision for key workers and vulnerable students and our remote learning provision for all students. We will wait for the information from Lancashire County Council next Monday and we will update parents/carers of Year 10 at that point.
I appreciate that this is a frustrating and difficult time for all of us. We live in uncertain times....
Notice from Miss Mayor, our SENCO: Additional support for SEND students in preparation for returning to school: Lancashire SEND Information Advice and Support Team (SENDIAS) are offering free advice and courses for parents to help prepare children with SEN to return to school. Their Facebook page is the best source of the information - you will find it here.
Best wishes
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates