15 May 2020

Image of WLD Update for Parents & Carers Monday 18th May 2020

Good afternoon,

Mental Health Awareness Week:  The theme this year is Kindness - please have a look at the resources and information at  https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/campaigns/mental-health-awareness-week.  It is also our Thought for the Week - have a look on the website.

Opening school to more students:  As you will have seen over the weekend there is still considerable national and local debate about the opening of schools.  We are making appropriate plans for providing Year 10 with further support for their remote learning and will communicate the plans once we have received further guidance from Lancashire County Council and the government.  

Social Distancing:  With the slight relaxation of lockdown rules from last week please would you remind all our students that the guidance says that they can meet one other person outside while keeping two metres apart.  We have had reports of teenagers, not our students, gathering in larger groups - please remind your children that this is not permitted under the current conditions.  This is a difficult time for all of us not being able to socialise with friends and wider family.

Reading:  We have received several requests about additional books for reading at home.  Our librarian, Miss Knowles, is sending the following information out to all students:

If you want to access e-books or e-audio books you can use one of the links below for the area that you live in
For Students in the Preston Area
This link will take you to the link to join:  https://www.lancashire.gov.uk/libraries-and-archives/libraries/library-services/?page=2. Information on the Digital Library  https://www.lancashire.gov.uk/libraries-and-archives/libraries/digital-library/?page=3.  Link to the e-books e-audio catalogue https://fe.bolindadigital.com/wldcs_bol_fo/b2i/mainPage.html?b2bSite=5070. You will have to download the BorrowBox App to download the e-books or e-audio books, please read the instructions on the library pages.

For Students in the Blackburn Area
This first link is to the online home page: https://bwdlibraries.spydus.co.uk/cgi-bin/spydus.exe/MSGTRN/WPAC/HOME
The link below is to the online registration page, after reading the information and clicking the acceptance button at the bottom you will be sent to the online registration form:  https://bwdlibraries.spydus.co.uk/cgi-bin/spydus.exe/MSGTRN/WPAC/JOIN
This is  the link for  e-audio and e-books, to borrow you need to log in with your new borrower number and  4 digit pin: https://fe.bolindadigital.com/wldcs_bol_fo/b2i/mainPage.html?b2bSite=5614

If you are having difficulties there are telephone numbers to speak with Library Staff 

Miss Christian, Head of English, adds the following information:
Audible is allowing free unlimited downloads of audiobooks during the coronavirus outbreak and can be found at https://stories.audible.com/start-listen. Amazon are also offering a number of free books to download onto Kindle or the Kindle app. 

Best wishes and stay safe....

James Harris



Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates