11 May 2020

Image of WLD Update for Parents & Carers 11th May 2020

Good afternoon,

Many of you will have seen the Prime Minister's speech at 7pm yesterday.  From our perspective as as secondary school the announcement was that we may have be able to have Year 10 in school in some way before the summer break.  Beyond that we are awaiting the detailed guidance from the Department of Education.   This is due today and, if there is more detail, I will write to you about it.  This is a very uncertain time for all of us, but please rest assured that we are carefully following all the advice and direction given to us by the government and making sense of it in the best interests of our students.

I hope that you managed to enjoy some of the sunshine over a very strange Bank Holiday weekend - made more strange by having the Bank Holiday on the Friday!  Having written to parents & carers each school day of this crisis there will probably be a "break in service" tomorrow.  If there is anything urgent to update you on then I will do so, but there is a full meeting of the governing body of the school tomorrow afternoon so I will probably not be sending out my usual update.

Our Thought for the Week is "Inspiration" - you will find the resources at https://www.waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk/curriculum/thought-for-the-week.

Best wishes and stay safe,

James Harris


Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates