26 April 2020
Good afternoon,
I hope that you managed to have a reasonable weekend under these different and difficult circumstances. This is now the 6th week of school closure and lockdown. A number of updates from today....
The Department for Education has advertised First News, an independent newspaper for young people available online - some issues are available for free... https://subscribe.firstnews.co.uk/free-downloadable-issue/
The British Red Cross has developed resources to support young people and families - they help to develop kindness and resilience. You can find them, and sign up for updates, here.
2.6 Challenge: Walton-le-Dale staff are taking up the 2.6 Challenge to raise money to support charities in the UK who are losing lots of funding at this time. Over £1600 has been pledged at the time of writing and there are lots of staff taking on different challenges to raise money for charities that they particularly care about. If you can, please support us - the JustGiving page is here. There is a video of our first few challenges here.
Useful resources for Year 11: Runshaw College have just put out a set of useful links for Year 11 students. These will be useful to Year 11s whichever college they are planning to go to in September.
Year 11 vocational qualifications: As all Year 11 students, parents and carers know we are awaiting guidance from the DfE and Ofqual about how grades for vocational qualifications (ICT, Enterprise, Performance, Health and Social Care, Sport are the ones we offer at WLD) are to be awarded this year. The latest stage is that Ofqual have put out a consultation with a deadline of the 8th May - you will find it here if you wish to read it.
Our Thought for the Week this week is Mindfulness - please have a look at our Thought for the Week page and discuss with your son or daughter.
As always, best wishes to you and your family and stay safe....
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates