24 April 2020

Image of WLD Update for Parents & Carers Friday 24th April 2020

Good afternoon at the end of another very strange week....

Study for next week:  All the information to support study by all our students is on the website and has been emailed directly to every student.  You will see that we have added in materials for Year 11 - there are resources to support students as they progress to college and apprenticeships - please encourage all Year 11s to look at it carefully.  You will also see that we have added a section on Personal, Social and Health Education - this applies to all year groups and is very relevant at this time.  Please remember - the health and wellbeing of each young person (and yourselves) is more important than study, but a regular routine of study is very positive for wellbeing.

Free School Meal vouchers:  There have been a lot of updates from us on this important topic.  Unfortunately the government system is far from easy to use and has significant issues.  We have been working very hard to resolve each individual problem, but these issues are not of our making.  Please bear with us, we are sorting out each individual issue with each person concerned, but sometimes it is taking hours.  We will be in contact with you if you have asked us for help, but all we can do is help you to navigate the government's system!

Helping young people with Maths:  If you are kindly helping one of our students with their Maths then the following site from the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics looks very helpful....

Have a good weekend and we will be in touch again on Monday...

James Harris


Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates