21 April 2020
Good afternoon,
Some updates from today:
Online Safety: The third #OnlineSafetyAtHome pack is now available with activities for parents and carers to use at home. Activities for 11-13 year olds here and those for 14+ here. There is a useful guide for parents & carers on video-chatting here.
Free School Meal vouchers: There are ongoing difficulties with the government voucher system so Mrs Eckersley has asked me to send the following update:
"For those who haven't redeemed their FSM vouchers from week 1 and 2 of shutdown. I have resent them this morning, please ensure you redeem these as they will expire soon.
• Week 1 vouchers issued on the 01.04.2020 will expire on the 01.05.2020 (once redeemed you have 1 year in which to use the voucher)
• Week 2 vouchers issued on the 06.04.2020 will expire on the 06.05.2020 (once redeemed you have 1 year in which to use the voucher)"
A large number of Netflix’s really good documentaries are free for parents, carers and students: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvahqwMqN4M0GRkZY8WkLZMb6Z-W7qbLA
The PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) Association has produced a guide for parents and carers educating children at home and packs of resources - the new one is on mental health.
Work experience for Year 10: We are sending the following message by email to all our Year 10s: "Unfortunately due to the uncertain times we have made the decision to cancel work experience for our current year 10 students. We would appreciate it if you have organised a self placement that you contact your employer to inform them that you will not be undertaking work experience during the week of 06/07/20 to 10/07/20. We will endeavour to arrange employer encounters for our students in the next academic year and continue with the careers programme to ensure that our students are prepared for life after Walton-le-Dale High School. I would like to thank you for your support and continued patience." This is an unfortunate consequence of the current pandemic.
Stay safe and well....
Best wishes
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates