31 March 2020

Image of WLD Update for Parents & Carers Wednesday 1st April 2020

Good afternoon,


Free School Meal vouchers:  Following the national scheme launched yesterday, the vouchers have been sent out by email today. For the very small number of families for whom we do not have an email address the vouchers have been ordered and will be posted out.


BTEC results:  We have received the results today for the examinations taken in February.  We had hoped to send them to individual student email accounts, but there have proved to be technical issues with this.  The results are therefore being posted out and should be with students in the next few days.  


Notice from Mrs Miller (Art): GCSE Year 11 Art group . Please continue to work where possible on your exam preparations until the 21st April and then upload photos of your work to folders she has set up in "Teams" to give supporting evidence for the predicted grades that will be requested.  


Best wishes and stay safe....


James Harris


Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates