2 January 2020

Image of WLD Update Sunday 5th January 2020

Happy New Year to everyone who is part of the community at WLD!  I wish you every happiness and success in the coming 12 months.

At the start of a new year and a new decade I have been struck by the need for kindness in the way that we deal with each other, in our families, communities, country and wider world.  The quote at the top of this post is one that I will be using with everyone in my start of term assemblies. Kindness is not weakness - it is an essential part of being human.

This is a busy half-term with Year 11 Parents' Evening coming up quickly on Wed 22nd January, Year 8 Parents' Evening on Wed 5th February and Year 9 Options and Parents' Evening on Wed 12th February.  

A few practical reminders for the new term:

Phones:  Some of our students may be fortunate enough to acquire new phones over the Christmas period.  Last year, in January, we had a number of issues where students were so keen on their new phones that they took them out in lessons and then refused to hand them over to the relevant teacher, which led to unnecessary conflict and a number of fixed-term exclusions.  Please discuss this with your son or daughter should they be so fortunate as to gain a new phone over the Christmas period - it may be better to leave them at home until the novelty wears off.

Uniform:  Our uniform has not changed  - it is clearly stated on our website here.  Shoes, hoodies and piercings are the usual points of conflict so please would you check that your son or daughter is wearing correct shoes (check the images on the website if there is any debate), that they do not wear a hoodie on school site, and that they only have a single stud earring and no other piercings.  In case of any arguments, it may be worth pointing out that all schools in South Ribble, have very similar rules on these things!    

Equipment:  Usual things, please - bag, pens, pencils, ruler, planner, PE kit....

In order to keep up with the curriculum that your son or daughter is following please have a look at our curriculum maps on the website here.  Should you have any questions about our curriculum, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

Please be aware of our regular "Career of the Week" ("Climate Scientist" this week) and our "Form powerpoints" which are always worth having a look at. Please also keep an eye on the school calendar.

Have a very good week!


James Harris


Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates

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