15 December 2019

Image of WLD Update Sunday 15th December 2019

Christmas events:  Our Christmas markets and Christmas Jumper Day have raised significant amounts of money for charity - thank you to all involved.  This week sees our Community Christmas Party during the day on Wednesday and our Christmas Concert on Wednesday evening.

Closure for Christmas: Please be aware that we close for Christmas at 12.20 on Friday 20th December - school buses will run to Preston and Blackburn at that time.  We re-open at the usual time on Monday 6th January.

GCSE mock examinations:  Congratulations to all of Year 11 on their excellent attitude to their mock examinations.  Just the GCSE Art mock examination on Monday and Tuesday this week.  We will be giving out results in the form of a "mock results slip" at Parents' Evening on the 22nd January.  Teachers will of course give out numerical marks, go over papers and work on weak areas before that date.   .

Early warning:  Some of our students may be fortunate enough to acquire new phones over the Christmas period.  Last year, in January, we had a number of issues where students were so keen on their new phones that they took them out in lessons and then refused to hand them over to the relevant teacher, which led to unnecessary conflict.  Please discuss this with your son or daughter should they be so fortunate as to gain a new phone over the Christmas period - it may be better to leave them at home until the novelty wears off.

Please be aware of our regular "Career of the Week" ("Image Consultant" this week) and our "Form powerpoints" which are always worth having a look at. Please also keep an eye on the school calendar.

Please can I wish you and your family all the very best for Christmas and a happy and successful New Year.

James Harris



Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates

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