7 July 2019

Image of WLD Update Sunday 7th July 2019

It is a very busy, positive time of the year...

  • The reports from employers about our Year 10s on work experience have been fabulous.  There are some photos here and we look forward to hearing all about their experiences when they return to school tomorrow morning;
  • We really enjoyed having a group of Chinese students working with our Year 7s during their enrichment day on Wednesday.  it was a pleasure and a privilege to host them;
  • Our enrichment day on Wednesday went extremely well - these days are a highlight of the school calendar.  Some photos are here....
  • Awards evening is on Wednesday this week - we are looking forward to celebrating the achievements and attitude of our students;
  • Year 9 have been undertaking their Duke of Edinburgh Award qualifying expeditions - well done to them and thanks to the staff who go above and beyond to take them away.  Again, some photos are here...
  • Sports Day is on Friday this week - the forecast looks good at this point so please make sure that students have plenty of water, suncream and a hat.  Please support the Race for Life Schools which forms the first part of Sports Day - the lives of many of us have been touched by cancer this year so please donate to this excellent cause.  Information and sponsor forms are on our letters page here
  • Please remember that Mr Hardman is undertaking the 500 mile challenge in memory of Tim Hindle and to raise money for Manchester Children's Hospital - please support him and donate here..
  • Our students have represented us very well by helping at the Lancashire Games as Sports and Media Leaders...
  • There has also been a lot of great teaching and learning going on as well - there have been a couple of external professional visitors this week looking carefully at aspects of our provision and they have both commented on our increased aspirations for our students and on the positive climate for learning in our classrooms;

Upcoming events - please keep an eye on the calendar.  Sports Day is on Friday 12th July - this Friday.  Awards Evening is on Wednesday 10th July - this Wednesday.  Trips and Activities Day is on Monday 22nd July and we close for the summer at 12.30 on Tuesday 23rd July.   

Our WLD Career of the Week is "Plumber".  Our Thought for the Week is "Mother Earth".  

Have a good week ...

James Harris


Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates