30 June 2019
This is such as positive, caring place to be. Just four examples from this week from across the school...
500 Mile Three Peaks Challenge: Mr Hardman is completing this arduous challenge in memory of Tim Hindle, one of our students, who died earlier this year. Please support him - all the details are on our website here. As an additional way to raise money for this excellent cause there is going to be "Kit Amnesty Week". Mr Hardman writes that "This will be the week commencing Monday 15th July and will run for one week. Students will be allowed to wear their own sports kit during this time during PE lessons. There will be a 50p charge with all money raised going to the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital Charity iMRI Scanner Appeal. Pupils are under no obligation to take part they will just wear their school kit as normal."
"Race for Life Schools": Many members of the school community have been affected by cancer this year so, as part of our Sports Day on Friday 12th July we are all taking part in Race for Life Schools. Please help us to raise as much money as possible by donating via https://fundraise.cancerresearchuk.org/page/walton-le-dale-high-school or sponsoring your son or daughter.
Prom: The Year 11 Leavers' Prom was at Farrington Lodge last Thursday and was one of those evenings where I feel so proud to be associated with Walton-le-Dale as I see so many wonderful young people leave school and move into the adult world. The photos are one the website here.
Stonewall: Amnesty Club again raised our awareness of important events related to justice and the wider world with their commemoration of the Stonewall Riots.
Other things....
Work Experience: We wish all our Year 10 well on their work experience this week!
Upcoming events - please keep an eye on the calendar. Sports Day is on Friday 12th July. Awards Evening is on Wednesday 10th July.
Our WLD Career of the Week is "Dentist". Our Thought for the Week is "Achievement".
Have a good week ...
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates