1 May 2019
I hope that everyone is enjoying the long weekend! The exam season is well and truly upon us and well done to Year 10 who started their exams this week and tolerated the cold in the Sports Hall (which we use for exams) on Friday morning. We hadn't quite expected the return to February weather - we sorted it for Friday afternoon and we will have extra heating in place for tomorrow morning! Year 11 French speaking exams went well with everyone showing the focus and determination that we expect of them. An organisation called Dragonfly have published a really useful booklet on supporting students with their mental health and wellbeing during examinations - you will find a link on our website here. Well worth a look.
As a community school we are concerned about our neighbours and we have received recurring complaints from residents of Sollam's Close (the cul-de-sac next to the front gate of the school). Please would you avoid turning into Sollam's Close to drop off or pick up your son or daughter - it would be very helpful if you would drop them or pick them up further down the road and ask them to walk the extra hundred yards or so. The popularity of our school means that the area outside the front gate has become increasingly busy during drop-off and pick-up times and we would ask everyone to keep the front of school clear in the interests of the safety of all our students.
It was a pleasure this week to hear from Mr Moore (Head of PE) of the positive attitude of the Year 8 football team - his message said:
"Fantastic performance and attitude, game finished 3-3 with Brownedge with Brownedge winning 4-3 on penalties. Notable performances include- Kory (captain), Archie & Aaron. Well done boys and girl. I’m proud of them because they play with the right attitude (hard working and fair) and they stand together win or lose."
They are a credit to themselves, their families and the school.
Year 11 Revision plan: This week is "Week 11" (of 11!) - if you are the parent or carer of a Year 11 please make sure that they are using the plan (https://www.waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk/curriculum/revision). The major papers start next week...
Upcoming events - please keep an eye on the calendar:
Our WLD Career of the Week is "App Developer". Our Thought for the Week is "Ramadan"
Have a good week ...
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates