23 September 2022

Image of WLD Update for Parents & Carers - Friday 23 September 2022

All years

  • Reminder that school closes at 12:20 on Monday, 26th September to allow preparations for our Open Evening.  Many thanks to all the students who are coming back to help - they are our best advertisement!
  • Attendance: This is very high priority for us as students develop gaps in their learning if they miss time in school.  Attendance at school is currently running at slightly under 90% which is around 6% down on where it would usually be so it is a real focus of concern and activity at the moment,  It is important that your child is in school and on time every day. Where possible, please book any appointments outside of school hours. Depending on the nature of the appointment, we will usually authorise half a day, and evidence of appointments will be required. You can email these to: attendance@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk
  • Homework:  Independent study at home is an essential part of school life.  Academic success does not happen without work outside school hours.  All homework is notified via Classcharts so students and families can see it.  Homework support is available at school each afternoon in A9 for an hour and late buses run on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  Please help your son or daughter by checking what homework they have each day and checking that they have done it.
  • Curriculum Introduction:  We thought that it would be good for you to understand a bit more about each subject area so we will be sending you introductions to each area over the coming weeks. Please see the link here for information from our Science Department which covers each key stage. 

Year 7

  • Message from Mrs Bailey, Head of year 7 - she is really pleased at how well the new year 7s have settled in.  That is great news!
  • Online assessments: Reminder that these weeks will see the year 7s undergoing their initial GL Assessments.  Each student will only have two or three hours of testing at the most.  They cannot be revised or prepared for, but should be taken seriously by each student as they give us very useful information about their capabilities.

Year 11

  • Year 11 History Trip to Hoghton Tower 18th October - places are still available on Parentpay, closing date is Tuesday, 4th October.


Have a good weekend,

James Harris


Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates