29 April 2022

Image of WLD Update for Parents and Carers - Friday 29 April 2022

Good afternoon,

Many congratulations to Year 10 for their excellent approach to their internal examinations this week.  They have been a credit to themselves, their families and the school.  I fully recognise that this is the first time that this year group has had a set of formal examinations and this is as much about getting them used to the formal environment with its own national rules and regulations as it is about giving us a picture of their progress so far.  Four more days of exams next weeks and then Year 11 start their final examination series....

All years

  • Attendance (message from Mrs Gorrill, our attendance officer): If your child is unwell and unable to attend school, please phone the attendance line before 9.30am, with reason for the absence. A phone call from parents is expected for EVERY DAY of absence. Please note that any unexplained absences will be 'unauthorised' and may result in a Fixed Penalty Fine from the Local Authority.  In the event of any unavoidable appointments in school time, please inform Mrs Gorrill, and include evidence of the appointment. This can be sent to: attendance@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk. Thank you for you cooperation.
  • Trips Day Thursday 21st July: Please see letter on our website here which has been sent out earlier today regarding the various external trips and internal activities which will be taking place this year.  All trips/activities are now on parentpay and the deadline for payment is Thursday 16th June. 

Year 9

  • Preston College Taster Day: Please see email sent out by Miss Royal regarding Preston College Taster day on 28th June.

Year 10

  • Please see email sent out by Miss Royal regarding upcoming College Open Events.
  • Geography Field Trip: Please see the letter sent out earlier this week for those students taking Geography as a GCSE. Trips will be taking place for the different classes on Wednesday, 15th June, Thursday, 16th June and Tuesday, 21st June.

Year 11 

  • GCSE Exam Timetable: Reminder that the GCSE Exams start on Wednesday, 11th May (timetable can be found here).
  • Revision sessions:  There are numerous revision sessions running during lunchtime and after school.  The PE department have asked me to particularly remind the relevant students that Year 11 PE revision takes place every Friday during lunch.
  • Attendance at school during the examination series:  I will write to all Year 11 families next week about this. 
  • Uniform for exams:  Please be aware that, in line with all schools, correct uniform must be worn for all examinations or candidates may not be able to take the examination.
  • Prom:  We are very much looking forward to this event which is always a lovely evening to wish farewell to our outgoing students.  The prom this year will be on Thursday 7th July at Tipi's, Riley Green, Hoghton from 6.30pm and the cost is £40.50. Please pay on parentpay by 27th May.
  • Message from Miss Royal, Careers Co-ordinator: Conditional Offers and Final Open Events: Please see email sent earlier in the week by Miss Royal.


Enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend and we look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday morning at the usual time.

Best wishes

James Harris



Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates