22 April 2022
Good afternoon,
It has been a pleasure to see everyone back this week. I hope that everyone had a chance to have a break in some way over the Easter period.
We have returned to school at the examination time of the year and, in a way, it is good to see exams return as another symbol of our return to normality. Year 10 have 2 weeks of examinations starting on Monday and then Year 11 get underway with their final GCSE examination series. The timetables for the exams are on our website here. Year 11 have already been submitting final coursework, undergoing moderation and all the things that go with the end of their time at our school. I have taken Year 11 through each week of the coming couple of months in an assembly this morning, right through to their much-awaited prom in early July, so they are clear about how the next few weeks work! As I have been pointing out to all students this week, there is no success without work and effort and we are here to work - this definitely applies to Year 11 at this time. I have been using a Conan O'Brien quote all week "Work hard, be kind and amazing things will happen".
All years
- Attendance (message from Mrs Gorrill, our attendance officer): If your child is unwell and unable to attend school, please phone the attendance line before 9.30am, with reason for the absence. A phone call from parents is expected for EVERY DAY of absence. Please note that any unexplained absences will be 'unauthorised' and may result in a Fixed Penalty Fine from the Local Authority. In the event of any unavoidable appointments in school time, please inform Mrs Gorrill, and include evidence of the appointment. This can be sent to: attendance@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk. Thank you for you cooperation.
- Message from Miss Knowles - Librarian: Please see the flyer on our website here for the UCLAN Kidsfest
- Calling all Scouts: West Lancashire Scouts are currently running a bit of a recruitment campaign to increase youth and adult membership in the area, and have asked us to share their flyer with our pupils, parents and staff.
Year 7
- Bushcraft Residential trip: Please see the website here for the Parent/student information pack from the Bushcraft Company.
Year 9
- The immunisation team will be in school next Thursday, 28th April to deliver the 2nd dose of the HPV vaccine.
Year 10
- Internal examinations start week commencing Monday, 25th April for two weeks. The timetable is here
Year 11
- Revision sessions: There are numerous revision sessions running during lunchtime and after school. The PE department have asked me to particularly remind the relevant students that Year 11 PE revision takes place every Friday during lunch.
- Prom: We are very much looking forward to this event which is always a lovely evening to wish farewell to our outgoing students. The prom this year will be on Thursday 7th July at Tipi's, Riley Green, Hoghton from 6.30pm and the cost is £40.50. Please pay on parentpay by 27th May.
- Uniform for exams: Please be aware that, in line with all schools, correct uniform must be worn for all examinations or candidates may not be able to take the examination.
- Performance: Please see email sent out on Tuesday, 19th April regarding their Unit 1 Portfolio
- Message from Miss Royal, Careers Co-ordinator: Preston College have now released enrolment accounts for all who have applied, been interviewed and offered a place starting this September. The enrolment instructions were sent to the email they applied with, if they haven't received this then please get in touch with Preston College or myself to chase up (k.royal@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk). They are only asking them to log in and check/update their personal details and accept their place, we advise they accept ALL offers at this stage, even if this isn't their first choice. From Thursday 25th August they will be able to log back in and upload their GCSE results to enrol if this is where they decide to go. All the instructions can also be found on their website https://www.preston.ac.uk/14-19-school-leavers/enrolment-at-prestons-college
Have a good weekend - enjoy the sunshine!
Best wishes
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates