18 March 2022
Enjoy the sunshine this weekend!
All years
- Updated Covid-19 Dedicated School Transport Guidance can be found on our website here
- Polite reminder to parents about parking outside school - please be mindful of students/cars entering and leaving the site
- Many thanks for the messages of support that we received during this week's Ofsted inspection. We will send you a copy of the report once we receive it in the next few weeks.
- Protective PE equipment - please see the letter on the website for more information on the requirement of Protective Equipment during PE lessons
- Please can you remind your child to bring a water bottle with them so they can refill it at break and lunchtime with water here in school, as we have seen an increase in students being sent out of lessons due to being thirsty - and the weather is improving, thank goodness!
- From Tuesday, 22nd March for two weeks, students in years 7-10 will be doing the PASS Survey and NGRT Reading tests. These cannot be revised for and just give us an indication of progress in reading and a student's attitude to themselves and their schoolwork.
Year 8
- Parent/Carer Evening - Wednesday 23rd March 4.30pm-7pm - This is a physical event and bookings will remain open until 4pm on the 23rd. Please see link here - Parents Evening. The link for the schoolcloud booking system for our school is: https://waltonledale.schoolcloud.co.uk/
- HPV Vaccinations - The Immunisation team will be in school on 23rd June to administer the HPV Vaccine, please complete the form to CONSENT or REFUSE the vaccinations by following the link below, which will close midnight on 15th April 2022. When filling out the form please opt for the YEAR of birth BEFORE the month. If you have made an error or are unsure whether you have already completed a form please contact us on the telephone number below. Please do not attempt to complete another form https://www.nhsimms.uk/HPV/information?Id=119743&Type=HPV Thank you, Intrahealth Vaccination team; 0333 3583397 option 3 option 1
- Anderton Centre trip - 30th March - If your child has opted to attend the Anderton Centre next Wednesday for Aspire Day, you should have received an email informing you of further details for the day. If you have not received the email, please contact school.
Year 9
- DTP/ACWY Vaccination catchups - The immunisation team will be in school on Thursday, 24th to administer the DTP/ACWY vaccine to those students who were unable to have it done on 3rd March.
Year 9 & 10
- History Residential October 2022: Just a reminder there are still a few spaces left on this trip which is open to all current year 9 and year 10 students.
Year 11
- BTEC results: The students who took BTEC examinations in February will receive their results on Tuesday 19th April - the day that we return from the Easter break
Have a good weekend,
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates