11 March 2022

Image of WLD Update for Parents & Carers - Friday 11 March 2022

Good afternoon,

A number of notices to all parents and carers today.... 

Pastoral structure:  Throughout the pandemic we have operated with forms having single year groups.  Before the pandemic we had mixed Year 8 to 11 form groups based around 4 sections (Red, Yellow, Blue and Indigo).  We consider that the year group arrangement has significant advantages and therefore the governing body has accepted a recommendation that we will retain the year group structure going forward and that we base our section system around the forms A, S, P, I, R and E which will be the same in each year group.  We will phase in a single tie across the school from September.   

Uniform consultation:  Thank you very much to everyone who contributed to the uniform survey a few weeks ago.  At the full governing body meeting on Tuesday the governors considered all the contributions - there were 35 from parents & carers, 11 from staff and 51 from students.  The governors have decided that there will be a single tie across the school (with a separate one for prefects) which will be phased in from September.  We will also phase out the grey jumpers currently used in Years 7, 8 and 9 and replace them with the black jumper currently worn by Years 10 and 11 so the black jumper will become standard across the school.  We will retain the blazer as currently, with the jumper being optional.  Both the tie and the jumper will be phased in so that no-one is compelled to pay for replacements until they are needed.

Updated guidance on when to stay at home if you have coronavirus: Please see link to the NHS information here: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/self-isolation-and-treatment/when-to-self-isolate-and-what-to-do/.

Lateness to school:  Attendance at school is improving which is great to see, but we are encountering a number of issues with lateness at the start of the day.  Please can I ask you to ensure that your son or daughter is on time for the start of the school day at 8.45am.  Many thanks

Online Safety Newsletter: Please see email sent out on Monday - a copy can be found on our website here 

Also some notices for specific year groups:

Year 7

  • Bushcraft Residential July '22:  Those students attending the Bushcraft residential have been sent a letter this week regarding a change of venue.  Please contact school if you have not received a copy.

Year 8

  • "In-Person" Parent/Carer Evening - Wednesday 23rd March:. We will be holding a "physical" parent/carer evening on Wednesday, 23rd March for Year 8 students.  Bookings are open via schoolcloud and will close at 4pm on the 23rd. Please see link here for more detailed information and the guide to booking appointments: https://waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk/parents/parents-carers-evenings. The schoolcloud link for our school is https://waltonledale.schoolcloud.co.uk/
  • Anderton Centre trip - 30th March:  Places are still available, please pay on parentpay by Wednesday, 16th March if your child wants to attend

Year 9 & 10

  • History Residential October 2022: Mr Davison is arranging a 2-day residential during October half term.  Please keep an eye out for the letter in your email

Year 10

  • Year 10 - Connected App Launch: Please see email sent by Miss Royal, Careers Co-ordinator on Tuesday.


Have a good weekend,


James Harris





Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates