4 March 2022
Mrs Wall (Deputy Headteacher) has been doing inspirational assemblies about self-motivation (the "S" in our ASPIRE ethos statement) throughout the week. This is a really important characteristic of our students - we are always ready to help, support, and encourage all our young people, but learning is in the end their responsibility. We will teach brilliantly and provide exceptional support and the consistent hard work comes from all of us - students and staff. As we always say - "those who work with us do well". Year 11s are a particular example of this at the moment - now is the time for self-motivated hard work using us as a resource to help them succeed. They have assessments over the coming 2 weeks and they all have 2 hours of revision to do each evening, following the revision plan that their teachers have provided. It is a critical time in their lives.
All Years
- Parking: The area outside school is very busy at the start and end of the day. Please can parents be mindful when parking over by the industrial estate as students have been witnessed nearly being knocked down.
Year 8
- Parents Evening - Wednesday 23rd March - this will be "physical" event in school and further details will follow in due course. Please put the date in your diary.
- Anderton Centre trip - 30th March - places still available, please pay on parentpay by Wednesday, 16th March if your child wants to attend.
Years 9-11
- Future U Privacy Notice - Please read - We are working with an organisation called Future U who are part of a wider national programme called Uni Connect. Future U provide us with free careers and progression activities to support pupil progression onto level 4 study and beyond. Future U is funded by the Office for Students and so collects pupil data to track progression and map if their activities have an impact on this. The Privacy Notice on our website outlines exactly how pupil data is used and stored, and the process to follow if they or their parents/carers wish to have their data removed.
Year 11
- Examination Timetable - Please see email sent on Monday with the examination timetable. Please contact school if you have not received a copy.
- Message from Miss Royal, Careers Co-ordinator - If your son/daughter is interested in apprenticeships when they leave school, please ask them to check the Year 11 Team Channel, where I have been sharing vacancies I find. Also direct them to look on the Government Apprenticeship Service Website to see vacancies in their area - https://www.findapprenticeship.service.gov.uk/apprenticeshipsearch
Have a very good weekend,
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates