11 February 2022

Image of WLD Update for Parents and Carers - Friday 11 February 2022

As we reach the mid-point of the term and the mid-point of the school year I would like to thank all parents and carers for your support of the school and for your support of your son or daughter.  Like all schools and organisations we have been affected by staff absence caused by the pandemic and I would like to thank our exceptional staff team for going well above and beyond what could be reasonably expected in keeping the school moving forward as a positive, kind, calm and focused place for our students.  

As we pause for the half-term break please take the opportunity to resolve any uniform issues (broken shoes etc...).  Please be aware that all piercings, false nails etc... will need to be removed before returning to school on Monday 21st Feb - normal school rules apply.  All lessons are on Teams so students can catch up with any topics that they missed or did not fully understand and Classcharts tells them, and you, of any homework that needs to be completed.  We are looking forward to seeing lots of Year 11 in for February half-term school from Monday to Wednesday next week and I am very grateful to staff who are contributing to that event.

All years:

  • Attendance - Messages from Mrs Gorrill, Attendance Officer:
    • We have an increasing number of students arriving late for school each day. Please ensure your son / daughter leaves the house early enough to catch their bus and arrive at school on time. Registration is 8.45am. Any student who arrives after this time will be placed in break time detention. 
    • REMINDER: Please try to avoid making appointments for your child in school time. We understand that some appointments cannot be avoided (hospital, orthodontist), please forward evidence of medical appointments (these can be screen shots) to: attendance@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk 
  • FSM Vouchers - Message from Mrs Eckersley about Free School Meal Vouchers - these should be emailed to parents on Friday (11th Feb) covering the Feb half term holidays - voucher total £15 per eligible student, for 1 week.
  • Mental health support: Please see the flyer on our website for a webinar on 10 March for parents and carers about a resource called kooth.  There are resources on their website - for example for Self Injury Awareness Day and Eating Disorder Awareness Day .  Any questions please email hhook@kooth.com 

Year 9

  • KS4 Option Choices - This week has seen the KS4 options assemblies as well as Parent/Carer Evening on Wednesday.  Please note that the deadline for option choices for your child is Friday, 25th February.

Year 10

  • Work Experience - Final reminder - the deadline for self placement forms is Monday 21st February.
  • Enterprise Group - Please see email sent earlier today regarding the Trip to Blackburn on Wednesday, 9th March.

Years 10 & 11

  • On Friday, 25th February we have an external speaker coming in to deliver an assembly to years 10 & 11. The content of the presentation is countering far right extremism. 

Year 11

  • February Half-Term School - Parents will have received an email with the bus routes for next week.  If you haven't already signed up the for the revision sessions, please fill in the link here.


Very best wishes and we look forward to seeing everyone at the usual time on Monday 21st February.

James Harris


Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates