4 February 2022

Image of WLD Update for Parents & Carers - Friday 4 February 2022

Good afternoon,

ASPIRE day on Wednesday was amazing! I am hugely grateful to all the staff and visitors who contributed and provided such a wide range of activities for our students.

On a more mundane note, I would be grateful if you would discuss a couple of matters of normal school business with your son or daughter over the weekend.  We have a very small number of students who think that it is ok to cause damage in some areas of the school, particularly the toilets - this is not acceptable as part of a safe, civilised community.  Likewise a small number of students ignore the large number of bins available and drop rubbish.  Respect is a very important characteristic of our school and that includes respect for the environment that we share.  My second reminder is about phones in school.  All schools and workplaces have rules about phones - ours are clear and quite lenient - phones can be used outside the buildings during break and lunchtime.  In the buildings they need to be off and out of sight (as do headphones and earpods).  Please just remind your son or daughter of this. I will be reminding them likewise on Monday.  Many thanks for your help and support with these basic matters of school life.

All years

  • Message from our Attendance Officer, Mrs Gorrill:  DID YOU KNOW...? If your child's attendance is above 97% (less than 6 days absence per year) they will almost certainly achieve grades and make expected progress. If your child's attendance is between 90% & 95% (missing up to 20 days per year) they are at risk of falling behind. If your child's attendance is between 80% & 90% (missing up to 40 days per year - 8 weeks!) they are missing so much time it will be difficult for them to keep up with lessons. If you have any questions regarding your child's attendance, email Mrs Gorrill - attendance@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk  
  • Safer Internet Day (Tuesday 8th Feb): There are 2 online safety newsletters available on our website - one is the regular monthly update and one is a special edition for Safer Internet Day.
  • World book day 3rd March (Message from our Librarian, Miss Knowles): You can buy books with the token from the 17th February, if you want to see what's on offer here's a link to have a sneaky peak: https://www.worldbookday.com/2022/01/take-a-sneak-peek-inside-the-2022-1-books/. Miss Knowles will be giving out a batch of book tokens to each form next week so that every student can purchase books in bookshops & supermarkets from the 17th February. The token is valid till 27th March. Also available in the library.

Year 9

  • Parents/Carers' Evening Wednesday, 9th Feb at 4.30pm:  Bookings will remain open until 4pm on the day.  Next week sees the start of our year KS4 Options assemblies and subject information will be made available on our website.

Year 11

  • BTEC exams next week:
    • Monday 1pm-3pm: Enterprise.   
    • Wednesday 9am-11am: Health and Social Care.  
    • Thursday 9am-11am: Digital Information Technology. 
  • Students taking French and German: Please see the link here  for a copy of the revision guide.  This has also been emailed out today. 
  • February Revision Sessions during half-term (wc 14 Feb):  Please see email sent out on Monday - the sign up form is here.  Buses are provided from Blackburn and Preston.

Have a good weekend,

James Harris


Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates