2 January 2022
Good afternoon,
As you may have seen on the news today we have just received guidance from Department for Education relating to COVID-19 and the return to school this week. The main change is that, to quote the guidance, "From today, Sunday 2 January, it is recommended that face coverings are worn in classrooms where pupils in year 7 and above are educated”. So we are returning to a situation that existed during parts of the last school year (2020-21) where everyone is recommended to wear face coverings inside the school buildings. Over the next few days, we will update the list of those students who are exempt from wearing face coverings. Other than those students who are exempt we expect everyone to follow the recommendation and wear a face covering inside the school buildings. Please therefore make sure that your son or daughter has a face covering and a spare when they return this week.
The guidance says that this is a temporary measure and will be reviewed on 26 January.
I look forward to seeing everyone back this week!
Best wishes
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates