10 December 2021

Image of WLD Update for Parents & Carers - Friday 10 December 2021

Good afternoon,

ASPIRE Day 2 yesterday was great! It was lovely to have so many visitors in school - carrying out mock interviews, working with our students, providing careers and college advice....Year 7 were involved in "Bookworms" a literacy day, Year 8 were in Science working on "Squashed Tomatoes",  Year 9 were preparing for their options choices working with speakers from a range of careers, Year 10 were tackling challenging topics around safety such as sexual health and knife crime and Year 11 were having mock interviews and making college applications.  As our vision statement says "At Walton-le-Dale, we believe education can change young people’s lives. We also believe that education is for life and is more than preparing students for exams. We want our students to leave with the best exam results possible, but we also want them to leave us as well rounded people. We want our students to live effectively, now and in the future, as individuals, members of groups and in society at large, with due respect for their community and the environment."

All years

  • Reminder it's Christmas Jumper day on Wednesday, 15th December and we will also be holding a student Christmas market at breaktime with Christmas lunch also.
  • FSM - A message from Mrs Eckersley re Free School Meal Vouchers - These will be issued on Thursday, 16th December £30 for the duration of the Christmas break - £15 per week.
  • The Government has announced that Covid testing will be reintroduced in January and therefore we will be having a staggered start for all students:  Tuesday, 4th January - years 11 & 7; Wednesday, 5th January - years 10 & 8 (together with years 11 & 7); Thursday, 6th January - year 9 (together with years 11, 10, 8 & 7).  The links for consent forms for each year group have been emailed out and these will close at 3pm on Wednesday, 15th December. Please ensure you fill in the correct form if you have children in different year groups. 
  • Free webinar for parents on motivation & goal setting - https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_L6uBw4QkQ7uUsWAGC2X0Ew
  • For parents/carers of students with dyslexia - Please see poster on our website here.
  • School closure for Christmas - reminder that school closes for the Christmas break at 12:20 on Friday, 17th December.

Year 11

  • Message from the PE Department - From now up until Christmas, the PE Department will be running coursework sessions on a Monday and Wednesday after school and every lunchtime.

Year 8

  • Assembly on Monday from the "JJ Effect" - Please see email sent out earlier about the year 8 assembly on Monday.  Please email Mrs Sweeney if you have any questions on r.sweeney@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk 


Have a very good weekend,

Best wishes

James Harris



Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates