3 December 2021

Image of WLD Update for Parents and Carers - Friday 3 December 2021

Good afternoon,

Year 11 have been amazing during the first few days of their mock exams.  Their mature attitude and approach has been an absolute pleasure to witness and has been commented on by invigilators and all the staff who have been working with them  Thanks also to the site team who have managed to get the Sports Hall warm enough in the cold weather.  Mock examinations continue throughout next week.

All years

  • Please see information here for students and parents on how to get the COVID vaccination if they missed the nurses' visit to the school.  The guidance is for first doses only as there is no further guidance on any second dose requirements for 12-15 year olds;
  • Online Safety Newsletter - December Edition - on the website here;
  • Following the Government announcement earlier in the week, face masks have now been reintroduced in communal areas and on school and public transport so please ensure your child always has a mask and a spare;
  • Attendance message from Mrs Gorrill - Please be sure to phone the Attendance Line EVERY DAY that your child is absent. If your child has tested positive for COVID-19, please let us know the date they are expected back in school. Failure to call the school with a valid reason for an absence will result in it going down as 'Unauthorised'. 10 sessions of 'Unauthorised' absence (5 school days) may result in a Fixed Penalty Fine from the Local Authority. Thank you. 
  • We are having to ban some students from the school buses due to misbehaviour.  This is exceptionally inconvenient for families so please talk to your son or daughter about this if they travel by school bus. They are expected to remain in their seats, seatbelts on, quietly talking or listening to their music throughout the journey - it isn't difficult or complicated;
  • Please be aware that we close for the Christmas break at 12:20 on Friday, 17th December;
  • We are required by the government to carry out Covid-19 testing as students return after Christmas, as we did last year.  Further details will be issued next week. Consent forms have been emailed out this week for individual year groups but please note that these links will close at 3pm on Wednesday, 15th December to allow for the administrative procedures to be conducted; 
  • Christmas Activities on Wednesday, 15th December: This day we will be Christmas Jumper Day; we will be holding a student Christmas Market at breaktime and it will be Christmas lunch day;
  • Term Dates 2022-2023: These have now been approved by the Governing Body and are available on the website here


Year 9

  • Guidance Appointments.  Please see the email from our Career's Co-ordinator, Miss Royal, regarding the career guidance appointments for your child.  If you are unsure what a careers guidance appointment entails here is a short video explaining what they are to expect from the meeting - https://youtu.be/Kq2mp0rRfVw


Year 10

  • Work Experience Reminder from Miss Royal. Deadline for Work Experience Self-placement forms is Monday, 6th December. Thank you to those who have already returned them.

Have a good weekend,

James Harris



Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates