15 October 2021

Image of WLD Update for Parents & Carers - Friday 15th October 2021

Good afternoon,

Quite a lot of messages on various topics this afternoon!

All Years

  • COVID precautions:  Please see letter on our website here with direction from Public Health England on the rise of COVID cases.  It is very important that we all follow the guidance given by Public Health.
  • Piercings: Following on from my notice last week, please remind your child that all piercings must be removed by Monday (18th October).  On Monday they will be confiscated if they can be removed or the student will be in isolation until they can be removed.  This is not a new thing – we are just enforcing the school rules on uniform.  Please ensure that no student comes into school on Monday with a piercing.  Students and families have been clearly reminded of the long-standing uniform rules of the school.
  • Maths Anxiety Course for students and parents - please see message sent out earlier this week.  If you have not received a copy, please email: Michelle.Knight@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk
  • Reminder - Nasal flu vaccination e-consent link: If you would like your child to receive the nasal flu vaccine in school please follow this link to complete an online consent form https://www.nhsimms.uk/FLU/information?Id=119743&Type=FLU. The vaccinations will take place at your child’s school on Friday, 19th November. Please note the link will close on Tuesday, 9th November.  If your child has already had the Nasal Flu vaccine since September 2021 please disregard this message. If you have any problems accessing the link please telephone 0333 358 3397, option 3. Kind regards, Immunisation team.
  • South Ribble Community Hub are having an informal Community Hub with local councillors and police from Lostock Hall, Bamber Bridge and Walton Le Dale on Tuesday 19th October 5-6.30pm at Lostock Hall Library. Please see the notice on our Communication page here. If any parents/guardians have any questions, suggestions and ideas about their local area this is their opportunity to bring it up with their elected members.
  • PE kit rules:  Please be aware of the rule within school that students get changed into kit for PE even if they are not taking part in the physical activities.  Please also be aware that students must borrow kit if they do not bring their own for some reason.  These rules are clearly stated on our website on the uniform page here.

Year 7 Hothersall Lodge trip 22nd/23rd/24th November - Just a reminder that this trip needs consent/payment by Friday, 22nd October. Letters can be found on our website here.

Year 8 Anderton Centre trip - Unfortunately, due to the rise in COVID cases within school this trip has been postponed and is now booked for 30th March 2022.

Year 9 Parents - Aspire Day 1 - Friday, 22nd October - As it is our Aspire Day this coming Friday, please can all year 9's come in their normal clothes suitable for outdoor activities and a coat as they will be getting dirty and muddy.  

Year 10 Parents' Evening - Wednesday, 20th October - Reminder that bookings are still open - https://waltonledale.schoolcloud.co.uk/. Please email Mrs Hodgson on l.hodgson@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk if you have any problems or questions. We would expect all parents and carers to make appointments as it is a vital stage in your child's education and there are no issues about travelling to school as the meetings are virtual.

Year 11 History trip - Unfortunately, due to the rise in COVID cases within school, this trip has been postponed until after Christmas.  The new date will be notified to parents in due course.

Have a good weekend and many thanks for your support of the school,


James Harris


Posted by James Harris