28 May 2021

Image of WLD Update for Parents and Carers - Friday 28th May 2021

Today is the last day in school for our wonderful Year 11 group. They will have work set online after half-term to assist them with their transition to college and employment, but today is the last day they will physically all be in school.  I have spoken to them today in their leaving assembly and the most important thing that I said was about hope - they have struggled with adversity over the last couple of years and that has made them stronger, more resilient and more mature.  They are the hope of all of us for the future and I, and all the staff, wish them every success in the coming months and years.  They are credit to themselves, their families and the school.

Some "usual business" updates for this week:

Contact over half-term:  Please be aware that the phones will not be staffed over the next week.  Messages will be picked up at 8am on Monday 7th June  The usual head@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk email address will be checked at points across the week.

Uniform:  We have made some allowances for uniform over the past half-term, given the circumstances.  We will be tightening up on this as we return and move towards "normal" so please take the opportunity of next week to sort out shoes, correct trousers etc...  Piercings, false nails, hoodies etc... are not part of our uniform and never have been.

Cycling to school:  It is great to see a significant number of students cycling to school, along with a number of staff (including me).  Helmets must be worn - the consequences of head injuries to cyclists are well known.

School day:  There are slight amendments to the school day from June, with one fewer year group in school.  The website will be updated with the details (it only affects lunchtime).

Pandemic update letter:  Lancashire have issued an important update letter - it is on the website.

Message for Year 10 Parents/Carers - Work Experience: A reminder from Miss Royal, Careers Coordinator - The deadline for Work Experience Self Placements forms is Monday 7th June - any student who doesn't have a placement arranged at this point (either virtual or in person) will be allocated a space on the Virtual 'School' Work Experience opportunity. There are virtual work experience opportunities on the website.

Best wishes and we look forward to seeing Years 7 to 10 back at the normal time on Monday 7th June.

James Harris






Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates