9 April 2021
Good afternoon,
I hope that you have managed to have some kind of a break over this Easter season. It is good to see plans for life returning to "normal" in some ways with shops opening from Monday and hopefully the weather will continue to improve! A few practical reminders for the start of the new term:
COVID rules and restrictions: As far as school are concerned there are no changes to the rules yet - face coverings, hygiene, separate year groups - all that stays in place. All our students and staff have done phenomenally well under these restrictions - we are still recognisably Walton-le-Dale - but we must be careful not to let our guard down too early - the pandemic has definitely not gone away despite all the positive signs at the moment. We must continue to be careful.
COVID tests: Please remind your son or daughter to test themselves before they return to school using the test kits that were sent home. More kits will be issued this week - sufficient for testing each of our students twice a week. Staff are doing the same. Should you need more test kits for other members of your family then they are now freely available from NHS test centres to anyone who asks for them.
Parents and Carers of Year 8: Reminder of Virtual Parents' Evening on Wednesday 14th April 4.30-7pm. Bookings will remain open until 4pm on 14th (½ hour before the event starts). If you are having problems accessing schoolcloud, please email Mrs Hodgson on l.hodgson@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk.
Uniform and equipment: I hope that any remaining issues with uniform or equipment have been sorted over the last couple of weeks. The uniform and equipment lists are on the website as always - https://www.waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk/parents/uniform. If there are any remaining issues, please make sure that your son or daughter has a note from you on Monday saying when the problem will be resolved. Should there be serious financial issues with resolving any matters relating to uniform or equipment, please get in touch in confidence with Mr Howarth (Deputy Headteacher) or Miss Shaw (Family Support Worker).
After school activities: As previously advertised the late buses will be starting up again after Easter and will run Tuesday to Thursday from 13th April. One bus runs to Blackburn and the other to Preston. After school activities will be starting up again....
- Girls Football - will start again after Easter. It will be in separate year groups on Thursdays 3.05-4.10pm. If your daughter is interested please tell them to let their form tutor know.
- Homework support - will start again after Easter. Monday - Friday as before - please fill in the form here if your child wishes to access this support;
- Performing Arts - Year 7 on Tuesday and Year 8 on Wednesday beginning in the second week back after the break;
- PE - Extra-curricular programme will begin in the second week back after the break. Details to follow.
Website: We have made a few changes to the way the website is organised which hopefully will make information easier to find. Should you have any comments or suggestions about the website please get in touch.
Student and staff wellbeing: One of the key ways in which we support the wellbeing of everyone in our school is to ensure that we are a calm, polite, well-ordered environment. Disruption, conflict or arguments have no place here. Please discuss this with your son or daughter before they return on Monday as students who disrupt the learning of others or who cannot follow reasonable instructions cannot be in school.
Wellbeing garden: Thank you to everyone for the donations and to staff for their work in getting the wellbeing garden underway over the last couple of weeks. There are some initial photos on the website.
Looking forward to seeing everyone back at the normal time on Monday!
Best wishes
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates