26 March 2021

Image of WLD Update for Parents and Carers - Friday 26th March 2021

Good afternoon

It has been wonderful to see students back over the last 3 weeks and attendance has been very good indeed.  As we reach the Easter break there are a number of practical notices:

Returning to "normal":  As we return the school to as "normal" as we can get it whilst keeping to the COVID safety regulations, please help us by attempting to resolve any remaining uniform or equipment issues before we return on Monday 12th April. 

Wellbeing Garden: Please see a letter here from Mrs Sweeney regarding the Wellbeing Garden.

Free School Meals: Please be aware that there will be no FSM vouchers for the Easter break;

Parents and Carers of Year 11:  Please see the email sent from Miss Royal re Year 11 Post 16 Preparation - Update. If you have not received it, please email k.royal@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk 

Parents and Carers of Year 8: Reminder for Virtual Parents' Evening on Wednesday 14th April 4.30-7pm.  Bookings will remain open until 4pm on 14th (½ hour before the event starts). If you are having problems accessing schoolcloud, please email Mrs Hodgson on l.hodgson@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk.

Testing at home throughout the Easter holidays for schools and colleges:  Following the success of the asymptomatic testing programme on the return to school and college, it is vital to keep testing at home throughout the Easter holidays and into the summer term. We have been asked to pass on this message to all students and parents: 
 ·     test twice a week at home from now on (all those who are able to); 
·     report results online as positive, negative or void. This information is critical in helping us to understand the prevalence of the virus across the country; 
·     continue to test twice weekly over the Easter holidays; 
·     test before returning to school or college for the summer term, either the night before, or morning of, the first day back, to find and isolate any positive cases. 

Recording Home Test Result:  please see link here which shows instructions on how to record a Covid-19 test result. 

After school activities:  As previously advertised the late buses will be starting up again after Easter and will run Tuesday to Thursday from 13th April.  One bus runs to Blackburn and the other to Preston.  After school activities will be starting up again....

  • Girls Football - will start again after Easter.  It will be in separate year groups on Thursdays 3.05-4.10pm.  If your daughter is interested please tell them to let their form tutor know.
  • Homework support - will start again after Easter.  Monday - Friday as before - please fill in the form here if your child wishes to access this support;
  • Performing Arts - Year 7 on Tuesday and Year 8 on Wednesday beginning in the second week back after the break;
  • PE - Extra-curricular programme will begin in the second week back after the break.  Details to follow.

Appointments in school time: Wherever possible, can you please avoid making appointments for your child in school time. We appreciate that certain appointments need to be taken during school time, and if this is the case, please provide evidence of this - in the form of a letter or appointment card. This can be a photo or screenshot emailed directly to Mrs Gorrill at e.gorrill@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk. Thank you. 

Best wishes and Happy Easter!

James Harris


Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates