19 March 2021
Good afternoon,
Funeral arrangements for Mrs Carrigan: School closes at 2pm on Monday and school buses will leave at this time. Students who wish to and whose families have given permission will remain and pay their respects alongside staff as the funeral cortege passes school between 2.30 and 3pm. Late buses for Preston and Blackburn will leave at 3.30pm
Year 11 Hoodies: The last date for ordering a hoodie will be Friday 26th March. When ordering on parentpay in the notes section can you please remember to add size, colour and the name you would like printed on the back.
COVID testing: We complete the third and final round of testing with Year 7 on Monday this week. Of all the tests done last week across all year groups only one (in Year 9 on Friday) was positive. Those students who have been taking part in the testing since returning to school are all being issued with home testing kits and instructions - please see the video here https://youtu.be/S9XR8RZxKNo. Students are expected to test themselves twice per week, as staff are doing, and instructions for recording the results are with the packs. If a student tests positive then you must let us know immediately by email (head@waltondale.lancs.sch.uk) as usual. Each student has been given sufficient test kits to last 3 weeks, and we are all expected to continue to self-test over the Easter break, so we will be issuing further self-test kits in the week after the Easter break.
Information for Year 11 parents, carers and students: Individual Reports for KS4 were sent out on Tuesday, 16th March - if you have not received a copy please email Mrs Hodgson - l.hodgson@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk with your email address so we can update our records. There was also an update on Tuesday with all that we know about the assessment of GCSEs at this stage - you will find it here.
Year 8 Parents' and Carers' Evening on Wednesday, 14th April: Bookings will open at 9am on Monday 22nd March and details will be sent early Monday.
Late buses: We are planning to restart the "late buses" to Preston and Blackburn (leaving at 4.15pm) on Monday 12th April (the day we return from the Easter break). Homework support will start again from that day and we will be in touch about the extra-curricular activities that will begin over the following weeks.
Year 10 Work Experience Questionnaire: A message was sent by Miss Royal, our Careers Co-ordinator, regarding the Work Experience Questionnaire. If you have not received it, please contact Mrs Hodgson (l.hodgson@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk) so that we can update your details.
Best wishes
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates