20 January 2021

Image of WLD Update for Parents & Carers - Wednesday 20th January 2021

Good afternoon,

Free school meal vouchers:  Mrs Eckersley, our School Business Manager, has asked me to let you know that the order for free school meal vouchers has been placed today. They should hopefully be emailed to you by the end of Friday, but this is out of our control as Edenred send the emails out.  The vouchers will cover the following period: week beginning 18th Jan – 29th Jan (2 weeks) for the amount of £30.00 in total (£15.00 per week).

Engagement reports on Classcharts:  Starting last week we have been reporting on Classcharts about student engagement with their learning in their various subjects.  It is new to us, just as it is to you.  It is important to recognise that these engagement reports are for your information, they are not a sanction.  We do not know if a student is ill, has an appointment or has any other valid reason for not engaging.  You will know that.  The purpose of the item on Classcharts is to prompt a discussion between you and your son or daughter.  Teachers are using their professional judgement, based on the evidence that they have, to inform you about the engagement of your child - it is not a sanction in any way.  They are there to prompt discussion and to encourage engagement.  If you don't have access to Classcharts, please email classcharts@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk to get your login information.

Emails:  Please encourage your son or daughter to keep an eye on their emails in Outlook throughout the day - their teachers will be emailing them with outlines of the work to be done each lesson so that they will know where to find the resources on Teams.  If one of our students is saying that they can't find their work please ask them to check their emails - the guidance will be there!

Best wishes

James Harris


Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates