14 January 2021

Image of WLD Update for Parents & Carers - Thursday 14th January 2021

Good afternoon,

Homework:  We are aware that the fact that we are setting homework on top of 5 hours online learning is causing some concern particularly amongst parents and carers of younger students.  Our Heads of Department are meeting this evening to discuss the issue, amongst other things, and to agree a way forward.  We will keep you informed.

Reading Matters (a notice from Mrs Long, Assistant Headteacher): More than ever, it is vital that your child is reading at home. Please encourage your child to access their local library online (the information is in the librarian's update on the Reading page on our website). If your child would like an age-appropriate reading book to be sent home, please contact Mrs Long (r.long@waltonledale.lancs.sck.uk) and she will arrange this for you. If nothing else, reading certainly provides much needed escapism at this challenging time! 

Positives: 1006 positive Classcharts points given for online learning today - amazing!  Well done to everyone.

Engagement:  I hope that you will have picked up that we are on a mission to try to ensure that all our students are engaged in their learning!  Please keep an eye on Classcharts where you will find notices about your child's engagement in the different subjects appearing over the next few days.  Please discuss these with your son or daughter and get in touch with your child's mentor or email classcharts@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk if you need assistance or support.

Best wishes

James Harris


Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates