13 September 2020

Image of WLD Update for Parents & Carers Sunday 13th September 2020

Good afternoon,

School has been calm, well-ordered and almost all students seem genuinely glad to be back!  Year 7 are settling well (and getting lost less often!) and the new systems seem to be working well.  We have been blessed with reasonable weather (and it looks to be good this week) which has made the inevitable standing outside buildings while we ensure safety reasonably pleasant.  

Fire alarm procedures:  We have been reviewing these again and taking advice from the Lancashire Health and Safety and Fire teams.  Should the fire alarm sound students will need to wear their masks and face coverings because evacuation from the building takes priority over keeping year groups apart.  All students, therefore, need to be in possession of a face covering when in school.

Pandemic reminder:  All students need a face mask with them.  They must be worn on transport; we strongly advise that they are worn in corridors, and they are optional elsewhere (for example while moving around school outside).  All students need their own stationery and a pack of wipes and we strongly recommend that they bring their own food and drink.  They must not mix with students from other year groups when in school.

Collection of work from lockdown:  We know that several students worked on paper during lockdown for a variety of reasons.  Due to all the rules about sharing resources we will collect all the work centrally tomorrow (14th Sept) - please ask your son or daughter to label the work with their name and the subject - and we will then quarantine it for the required period before giving it to the relevant teachers. 

Communications:  Please read our overall approach to communication on the website here.  Please download the Classcharts and School Gateway apps and keep an eye on Facebook and Twitter. We are amending our school answerphone so that messages about student absence can be left before 8am (which is when the daytime phone service starts).  As last week here is a list of the most recent messages so that you can check that you have all the information that you need...

•    Virtual Open Evening - Monday at 6pm
•    Year 7 classcharts parent access codes were sent out Friday - please email classcharts@waltonledale.lancs.ch.uk if you have not received it.
•    Reminder for students not on FSM to bring packed lunches;
•    Homework club reminder for parents to register;
•    On Friday we have the Year 7 and Year 11 Individual photos;
•    PE kit being worn from Monday, 14th September .

Best wishes,

James Harris


Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates