24 August 2020
This part of the guidance is a summary for students and parents/carers so that everyone has a clear picture of what school will be like when we open next week....
Should you have any queries, please get in touch.
Best wishes
James Harris
Start of the new school year September 2020
Remember: Years 7 & 11 return on Wednesday 2 September, all year groups are in on Thursday 3 September.
Really important things:
- We are really looking forward to seeing everyone back, but if you have symptoms of coronavirus or if you have tested positive for coronavirus in the last 10 days please stay at home;
- You can mix with your own year group, but you must socially distance from anyone from other year groups;
- You will need to be independent and responsible – you will need to have a school bag with your own stationery, food and a pack of wipes – we will give you your exercise books and a planner which are then your responsibility;
- You are strongly encouraged to bring your own food and there will be no food sold at break to start off with;
- You must sanitise your hands on entry to every room and help us in wiping down the space where you will work;
- You must wear a face covering on school buses and public transport and you may wear it in school if you wish;
- You must use tissues to “catch it, bin it, kill it” if you sneeze or cough.
- You are strongly encouraged to bring a coat, worn over your uniform, as you will be outside between lessons for longer than usual.
- You will go straight to lesson 1 – there will be no tutor time to start off with and you will be registered in your first lesson. Your parent/carer will be emailed your new timetable so you know where to go and there will be staff around to direct you.
- Please try not to arrive before 8.30. If you do you will have to wait outside the block where you have your first lesson. You will be able to go into your first classroom from 8.35.
- Please help us by staggering arrival through the front gate - Year 7 8.35, Years 8 & 9 8.40 Years 10 & 11 8.45.
- If you arrive by bus you must leave your mask on until you are outside the block for your first lesson and with your own year group. Then remove it if you wish without touching the front and place in a plastic bag in your school bag.
- Those of you who need to order food for lunch (in a “grab bag”) will do so at the start of the day in your first lesson.
Structure of the day:
8.45 – 9.50 |
Lesson 1 |
9.50 – 10.05 |
Movement to lesson 2 and short break outside |
10.05 – 11.00 |
Lesson 2 |
11.00 – 11.15 |
Movement to lesson 3 and short break outside |
11.15 – 12.10 |
Lesson 3 |
12.10 – 13.50 |
Lesson 4, movement and lunch – see separate table for the organisation of this |
14.00 – 15.05 |
Lesson 5 |
Moving between lessons:
We have turned the bells off and you will be dismissed from your lesson in a carefully planned way so that there is no congestion. You will follow a clear one-way system within and around the buildings to your new lesson. You will be able to go to the toilet in the block that you are leaving. You will have a short break to chat and eat or drink outside, in the place that we tell you, while waiting to be admitted to the building for the next lesson. All classes will be emptied from each building before we admit the new groups so even if your lesson is in the same block you will need to wait outside.
So that you only have lunch with your own year group we have “staggered” lunchtime so that some of you have lessons while others have lunch. It is described in this table here. Year 10 and 11 need to note that your lunchtime is quite late – you have 4 lessons in the morning and 1 in the afternoon.
Time at the start of the 10 minute period |
Year 7 |
Year 8 |
Year 9 |
Year 10 |
Year 11 |
Changeover to period 4 |
Lunch (Dining Room) |
Lunch (Canopy) |
Changeover to period 4 |
12.20 |
Period 4 (part 1) |
Period 4 |
Period 4 |
12.30 |
12.40 |
12.50 |
Lunch (Dining Room) |
Period 4 |
Period 4 |
13.00 |
13.10 |
13.20 |
Period 4 (part 2) |
Lunch (Canopy) |
Lunch (Dining Room) |
13.30 |
13.40 |
13.50 |
Changeover to period 5 |
14.00 |
Lesson 5 starts |
End of school
To avoid congestion on the front gate and at the buses Year 7 leave lessons at 14:55, Year 8 and 9 at 15:00 and Years 10 and 11 at 15:05
Because of the strict rules about sharing books and paper you can expect all your homework will be set online at first. All homework will have a deadline of a week so that those of you who have shared or limited computer access have time to do it.
Clubs and activities
We will get these going as soon as possible, but we need to make sure that “normal” school runs really well first so there will be no clubs or activities after school to start off with. We want to start up homework club quickly so that those of you who have limited computer access at home can get your homework done in school.
You will have lots of questions, no doubt, but I hope that this covers most of the important things to get everyone started. We will carry on talking to all our students, parents and carers as we get school underway….
Best wishes
James Harris
Posted by James Harris