26 June 2020
Good afternoon,
What a change in the weather from last week - lunchtime outside felt like October, not June!
Open Evening: It seems an odd thing to be thinking about, but, with the government's intention to have everyone back in September, we have been considering how Open Evening will run. The date set is Monday 14th September and we are planning for a "virtual" livestreamed event, a "physical" event, or a combination of the two. As many of you will know, I also do lots of tours of the school throughout September and October and we have lots of conversations with individual families. Making all this happen when we are not sure who will be allowed to access the school site is complex. We have had over 800 people at our open evening for the last few years, and we are popular and have a waiting list for new students, so I think it highly unlikely that we will be able to have an Open Evening in the normal way. Whether we do the evening(s) virtually, or in a more limited way with some people on site, we will need people to register their interest in coming so we have set up a dedicated email address openevening@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk for this purpose. We will be putting information on the website in the next couple of days.
Facebook: Linked to the Open Evening we think that we need to set up a Facebook page for the school. We have used Twitter for several years, but we think that a Facebook presence would be useful. Our concern is managing the traffic and responding to posts swiftly. If anyone has experience of managing a Facebook page as part of their business or organisation and could spare me half an hour to talk me through the "pitfalls" I would be very grateful! We want to get it right.
Weekly Reflection: This week the reflection is on "Positive Relationships" - please have a look at the resources here.
Inspiring Careers: Everyone will have received an email from Miss Royal, our Careers Co-ordinator, asking if you could help inspire our students. The response has been amazing, even in this short space of time! Thank you so much.
It has been good to see Year 10 for English, Maths and Science today - this continues throughout this week. Each student will be told their timetable for next week (Options) when they come in this week so please ask them about it when they get home!
Best wishes.
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates