25 June 2020
Good afternoon,
A short update on a hot afternoon. It has been lovely, again, to welcome back our Blue section Year 10s...
Key worker and vulnerable student provision: I have received some confirmation that this will stop at the end of term (17th July). We have increased numbers of these students at the moment (over 30 in school today) so we have had to structure the day more tightly. I have spoken to the group today about the ground rules of social distancing and work - please would you reinforce this with your son or daughter if they access this provision. We know that it is essential for many families of key workers at this time.
The Department for Education has issued tips for parents for remote learning https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-online-education-resources/home-education-tips-for-parents
Year 10 next week: Next week our face to face provision focuses on English, Maths and Science, supporting remote learning and making sure that students know what they have to do to be ready to make the best possible progress in September. The session start time has moved to 9.30am and invitations have been emailed out to the parents and carers of each student. The following week will focus on options subjects and the final week will be with form tutors again to ensure that each student knows exactly what they have to do before September.
Equipment for September: At the moment we believe that students we will not be able to share equipment with students (pens, protractors, compasses...) when they return in September so we are in the process of working out what equipment will be compulsory for students when they return so they can participate in lessons. More details to follow once we have precise guidance from the government on the rules for return.
Best wishes
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates