18 June 2020

Image of WLD Update for Parents & Carers Thursday 18th June 2020

Good afternoon,

A note from Mr Howarth about Anti-Bullying Ambassadors: As part of our drive to remove all forms of bullying from our community and involve more students in student leadership roles, Mr Howarth sent out a link to all students by email last week so that they can apply to be Anti-Bullying Ambassadors. He has lots of applications and just wanted all parents and carers to make sure that the students have seen the link to the application. We want them to be part of our campaign to stop bullying!

A notice from Mrs Long about the WLD Reading Challenge: If your child has fallen out of the habit of reading, point them in the direction of the school website where they will find a 'gentle' Summer Reading Challenge containing a set of four quests.  Once complete, they can email their form tutors to earn Classcharts points. 

Government guidance:  Throughout this pandemic we have been carefully following guidance from the government and from Lancashire County Council, seeking to do the very best for our students, families and staff within the constraints given to us.  We are permitted to have 25% of our Year 10s in, along with ongoing provision for key workers and vulnerable students, from Monday, as we know - and we are very much looking forward to seeing more of our students! This Monday, a paragraph was added to the guidance which indicated that we could see other pupils for a meeting before the summer - as the guidance said "This time can be used to check-in on pupils, and ensure they are supported before a return to school from September." As with all the information that I receive we will consider it carefully and communicate any plans in due course.

Classcharts:  The plan is that by the end of tomorrow every parent/carer will receive a code so that you can login to Classcharts and see the commendations that your son or daughter has been receiving since lockdown.  You will be able to look back as far as the lockdown date in late March.  Students will see that the total points have been reset to zero, but they should not worry - we have them all safely stored!  Going forward you will be able to see behaviour points, both positive and negative.  We have set up a dedicated email address classcharts@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk for all queries relating to Classcharts, now and in the future.

Best wishes

James Harris


Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates