15 June 2020
Good afternoon,
We are very much looking forward to seeing our Year 10s next week. Thank you to all the Year 10 families who have responded to Mrs Hodgson indicating whether your son or daughter will be in from 10 to 2 on the appropriate day next week - please do so swiftly if you have not had a chance to do so yet. I will send a detailed update to all Year 10s and their families tomorrow, but the general arrangements are already on the website here and have been there for a couple of weeks.
Videos to help students access Teams and Office 365 email: Mr Turner, Head of ICT, has recorded some very useful videos to help students make the best use of email and Teams - you will find them on the website here.
Student engagement with learning: The report for Year 9s will be sent to families on Friday. As I have said before this is intended to prompt discussion within families and to ensure that students contact their subject teachers.
Update on face coverings on transport: Since I wrote yesterday the guidance on face coverings on transport has been clarified. It is the law that face coverings have to be worn on public transport (e.g the 125 bus). They can be worn on school buses, but they are not compulsory.
Best wishes
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates