1 June 2020

Image of WLD Update for Parents & Carers Monday 1st June 2020

Good afternoon,

Plans for opening to more students:  I am very aware that this an anxious and uncertain time for many families with the Director of Public Health currently advising against the opening of schools in Lancashire.  As I said on Friday we are making plans to open safely to limited numbers of Year 10s from 15th June, as directed by the government, subject to Lancashire guidance.  I am currently consulting with staff and aim to issue plans to all families of Year 10 at the end of this week.  I will share the plans with all families, whatever the year group, so that everyone knows what is going on.  The information that I send out will be sufficiently detailed so that students and families can clearly visualise what school will be like under these new conditions - I hope that this will help to reduce the understandable anxiety of students and their families. 

Free school meals:  Mrs Eckersley has asked me to inform those in receipt of free school meals that the vouchers have been issued for the next 4 weeks.

Space-related resources:  The Department for Education has just released some space-related educational resources for home learning - worth a look - https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/space-related-educational-resources-for-home-schooling

Update from our librarian:  Miss Knowles, our librarian, has asked me to share these resources with you....


Thought for the Week:  Our thought for the week is "Motivation" - you will find the resources here - https://www.waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk/curriculum/thought-for-the-week


Very best wishes


James Harris


Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates