21 May 2020
Good afternoon,
Half term - suggestions for activities: We will be sending out more suggestions for activities over half-term tomorrow, but Mrs Long has produced some relaxing suggestions which are available at the top of this update
Oak National Academy: There are lots of resources and lessons produced by the Oak National Academy online here - well worth using to support the resources that we are sending out - I know that some subjects and teachers link their work to these resources already.
Year 11 Prom: We are delighted to announce that the Year 11 Prom has been re-arranged - the date and venue have been emailed to all Year 11 students....
Year 6 to 7 transition: We know that we have a whole new year group waiting to come to us in September - all probably feeling a bit uncertain and nervous given the circumstances. Miss Bailey, Head of Year 7, is contacting all our current Year 7s to ask them to record themselves giving a message to the incoming year group about their experiences of the first few days at Walton-le-Dale. We will obviously ask parental permission before using any videos, but it would be lovely if as many Year 7s as possible would take part. It will be set as an assignment on Microsoft Teams which gives us a way to store the videos securely. Ask any of our current Year 7s to keep an eye on Teams and on their email for more information.
Walton-le-Dale Wellbeing Garden Project: Mrs Sweeney has created a project for students to design a Wellbeing garden. The document can be found in the Wellbeing Team on Microsoft Teams as all students have access to this. Finished designs should be emailed to r.sweeney@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk.
Half-term supervision in school: If your son or daughter needs to be supervised in school over the half-term week because you are a key worker, please make sure that Mrs Hodgson (l.hodgson@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk) has a copy of your key worker identification and your work pattern for next week.
Department for Education guidance for parents & carers: The DfE has updated their guidance for parents and carers who are helping secondary school students study at home.
Best wishes and stay safe....
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates