8 May 2020

Image of WLD Update for Parents & Carers Friday 8th May 2020

Good afternoon,

I hope that you are managing to enjoy the Bank Holiday in these difficult times.  The Royal British Legion has some excellent resources for commemorating VE day - you will find them at https://www.britishlegion.org.uk/get-involved/remembrance/remembrance-events/ve-day-75.

Home study for next week:  The information has been emailed to parents & carers directly and can be found on the website.  As a dyslexia-friendly school we have used the recommended font - from next week we will provide two versions of the information in the two different fonts.

Year 10 Parents: Mr Howarth has emailed a link to all Year 10 Students this morning to click and fill in a form if they wish to apply to be a Prefect or Senior Prefect at school. Please make sure all the students are aware of this. The link will be open for a couple of weeks. 

Edukit Wellbeing Survey: Edukit has created a survey for all schools to use to check on wellbeing of students during this time at home. Mr Howarth has emailed the link to all students. It is a short series of multiple choice questions and is confidential. Only Mr Howarth will have access to the results and they are confidential unless the student wants to write a comment in the last box and add their name. This is a really valuable piece of research so please encourage all the students to complete the survey so we can see how they are doing.

Have a good weekend in these unsettling times and we will be in touch again on Monday....

Best wishes to you and all those you care for.

James Harris


Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates