6 May 2020
Good afternoon,
Remote Science lessons: To support home teaching, STEM Learning is offering remotely delivered, curriculum-linked science lessons for young people aged 5-19 accompanied by live Q&A sessions with subject experts. There is more information at this link https://www.stem.org.uk/remote-lessons
Message from Mr Moorcroft-Jones, who teaches ICT: "While learning from home, year 9 pupils have been completing the iDEA Bronze Award for ICT. The Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award, known as iDEA, is an international programme that helps learners develop digital, enterprise and employability skills. Learners complete a series of online challenges known as badges. By earning enough of these badges, they will receive an industry recognised award – which looks great on their CV. iDEA is the digital and enterprise equivalent of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. A massive well done to the 60 pupils in year 9, plus those taking part in year 10 and 11, who have completed a combined total of over 300 badges, boosting their citizenship, employability and digital making skills. Many pupils are already on their way to completing their iDEA Bronze Award."
Opening school to more students: There are a lot of rumours and news items about opening schools to more students. We are expecting an announcement on this from the Prime Minister on Sunday. Based on what he says we will make sensible and rational plans and communicate them with you clearly - as I believe we have done throughout this crisis.
Best wishes and stay safe....
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates