28 April 2020
Good afternoon,
Today I would like to share a couple of valuable emails with opportunities for our students and their families....
From Active Lancashire - Lancashire School Games
Hi Everyone
I hope you are all keeping well and safe.
I just wanted to share something we are launching online tomorrow as part of our Lancashire School Games offer for young people.
Paul has put together a boxing fitness workout for us, which will go live tomorrow on the Lancashire School Games website (https://lancashireschoolgames.co.uk/) and on our social media - @LancSchoolGames / @ActiveLancs
I would be really grateful if you could share across your networks and with friends/family who have children.
If a young person posts a pic/vid of them taking part in a boxing/fitness workout via Twitter/Facebook or Instagram, including #lancsgames20, they have the chance of winning some Bravose gloves and mitts.
Here’s the link the session https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMsBOoQlJ1s&t=2s
Thanks for all your support
From Sam Tyrer:
Good afternoon,
This morning we recorded episode 3 of the ‘Mental Health Family Hour’, on social media and self-image. We received lots of positive comments via the live stream and I believe this episode will be extremely beneficial for those with young teenage children. Social media can impact us all in some way, whether this be through body image issues or feeling inadequate comparing our life to somebody else’s. Social media is a great tool, however it can impact many of us in a negative way due to comparing our lives to others. One key element to this episode is understanding that social media is often a false reality. I often see in schools the impact that social media can have, this episode challenges that.
I also explore the different apps being used, some of which not many people have heard of. I encourage you to watch and share this episode, as I truly believe it will help you, your family and your friends understand more about social media.
Episode 3 - https://youtu.be/95OFYS6p4E8
Kind regards,
Sam Tyrer
Prevention and Engagement Lead
Nursing & Quality Directorate
Lancashire & South Cumbria Foundation Trust
In addition the Lancashire Secondary Consultant Team have made available this resource to support home learning and I really like the new video for our WLD 2.6 Challenge!
Best wishes and stay safe....
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates